Something like breakfast a woman to save a health 9 May. 00:30 Category:Здоров'я

In order for women not to lose power during a day and feel well, we need to develop some useful habits for breakfast. Because women don't have time for breakfast. They spend all their early hours devoted to a man, children, and they themselves come to work, and they write meddicalans. Healthy people at health care have introduced their recommendations. The first thing we need to do is breakfast the most dense meal, explains Sydney Spwewwak's militia. It will give energy for a whole day, and a sense of power from the wound

Note how to drink alcohol correctly to sleep and not feel broken 8 May. 23:10 Category:Здоров'я

There's a thought that drinking alcohol a night gives you a chance to sleep fast. This is a effective way to fall into the kingdom of Morpheus, but it has at least one side effect, it writes Al-novosti. And before alcohol affects the brain, it violates the normal production of chemicals that depend on a lot of processes in the body. Why do you want to sleep after drinking is known that a glass-second increases the atonine production. This material tells the brain that the body cells are tired, they're lacking energy and they're going to run away

The olive oil drop a day reduced the risk of dying from dementia 8 May. 21:15 Category:Здоров'я

The International Group of Scientists conducted a study in which more than 92 thousand people participated, and showed that seven grams of olive oil a day can reduce the risk of dying by 28 percent. The olive oil is an constant attribute of the Mediterranean diet, called one of the most useful in the world (for example, it reduces the risk of heart-vascular disease). But olive oil is useful by itself: She's got a lot of mononesized fatty acid, especially purple. Supposed to be c

In exchange for alcohol, it can lead to cancer 8 May. 21:07 Category:Здоров'я

Consumption of alcohol is related to over 200 diseases and disorders, including disease, which is the second cause of death in Ukraine -- cancer. It was reported by the public health center. Alcohol is one of the main factors of risk of seeing these kinds of oncological diseases: roar cavity; throat and larynx; Positions; breast; a line of intestines and anus; Stomach; Oh, liver. "In addition, alcohol increases the risk of lung cancer, pancreas and skin," they write. What about alcohol?

Місячний календар на травень 2024: коли новий та повний Місяць 8 May. 18:18 Category:Здоров'я

Як змінюються фази Місяця у травні та який це матиме вплив на людину

Ризик інфаркту чи інсульту зростає в рази: вчені назвали найнебезпечнішу емоцію 8 May. 18:13 Category:Здоров'я

Для серцево-судинної системи шкідливі тривога чи смуток, але найнебезпечнішим є гнів

Proofing in synthetic biology opens the path to cheaper vaccines 8 May. 18:12 Category:Здоров'я

multi-dimensional process of biopling in the wire is cheap to produce expensive hell, which is now being pulled out of the crust of wood. Vaccines save lives, as they did during a recent pandemic, but one component of most vaccines -- including Novax vaccine against COVID-19 -- remains unseen: A molecule or another compound that stimulates the immune system to set more secure protection from infection. These so-called ads are added in small quantities, but they have a great defense effect, such as

The leading chronic disease among children is the bronze asthma -- my 8 May. 17:25 Category:Здоров'я

The Party of the Ministry has told us how to recognize the disease and what to pay attention to

To someone who doesn't want to eat avocados. Scientists answered 8 May. 15:01 Category:Здоров'я

announcer: Scientists argue that only one half, you get 4.6 grams of clitoris, 345 milligrams of potassium and 19.5 milligrams of magnets. The avocado is rich in vitamin A, E and K. It contains more than 70% of monoginized fatty acids and 13% of polymalized fatty acids, writing ncbi. According to the University of Momma, high wealth content in this product may be good news for our cholesterol or our heart health, but may also be bad for

Why potassium is important for health. Where to find him? 8 May. 13:58 Category:Здоров'я

Our body isn't able to produce potassium so it needs to be received from food

There are 10 kinds of tea that improve digestion 8 May. 13:27 Category:Здоров'я

You can get rid of your stomach and discomfort using tea. Some of his species are able to relieve symptoms and improve digestion. Camille stables has recognized the best tea for digestion. How tea can improve the trauma of Tea to promote the hydration. Probable hybrids are needed to lower the risk of prepping. Presumer trauma. Many kinds of tea contain cathequins, tannins and caffeine. They can all increase the production of trauma enzymes to help effectively dilate food. These stimulation I can also

Клітини сітківки ока можуть містити ключ до справжнього сприйняття кольорів 8 May. 11:49 Category:Здоров'я

Рочестерські дослідники використали адаптивну оптику, щоб отримати уявлення про складну роботу сітківки та її роль в обробці кольору. Вони ідентифікували невловимі гангліозні клітини сітківки (RCG) у ямці ока, які можуть пояснити, як люди бачать червоний, зелений, синій і жовтий. Вченим давно цікаво, як три типи колбочок фоторецепторів ока працюють разом, щоб дозволити людям сприймати колір. У новому дослідженні в Journal of Neuroscience дослідники з Університету Рочестера використовували адапти

The official document listing for the passing of the Social Expert: - What do you need? 8 May. 10:55 Category:Здоров'я

Common individual changes, approved by Wossus, are related to the defeat of the ISAC military officials

Weather How to overcome stress and depression: The cheapest method 8 May. 10:19 Category:Здоров'я

not only helping to reduce stress and to relieve depression. It can improve memory and help people who suffer from ADHD. "A walk on the fresh air brings a lot of amazing benefits. Scientists have confirmed that being in nature, even if we sit under a tree every day, reduces stress. It's in its turn, may lower blood pressure, heart rate and stress hormones, such as cortisol, "said the pediatrician

Назвали найкориснішу кашу для людей 60+ 8 May. 09:33 Category:Здоров'я

Пшоно славиться вмістом поліненасичених жирних кислот, які запобігають стрибкам цукру в крові. Також пшоняна каша містить вкрай багато вітамінів та мікроелементів, таких як калій, магній, кальцій, залізо і фтор, які підтримують належну роботу усіх систем в організмі, що вкрай необхідно для людей похилого віку. Тому людям, яким 60+ варто переглянути свій раціон і додати до нього саме цю кашу. Пшоно багате на амінокислотні сполуки та клітковину, які захищають від захворювання на онкологію, а також

AstraZeneca по всьому світу відкликає свою Covid-вакцину 8 May. 09:26 Category:Здоров'я

Шведсько-британська компанія AstraZeneca відкликає свою вакцину проти Covid-19. Виробник повідомив, що припинить реєстрацію вакцини Vaxzevria в Європі, пише Reuters. "Ми відкликаємо вакцину у всьому світі через надлишок доступних вдосконалених препаратів з моменту початку пандемії. Оскільки з тих пір розроблено кілька варіантів вакцин проти Covid-19, з'явився надлишок доступних сучасних вакцин", - заявили в компанії, додавши, що це призвело до зниження попиту на вакцину Vaxzevria, яка більше не

Clark AI can help doctors quickly detect abnormal heart rhythms 8 May. 07:52 Category:Здоров'я

According to a new study, an artificial intelligence program developed by researchers at the Smiths heart Institute and their colleagues at Cedars-Sinai can detect the type of abnormal heart rhythms that can stay unseen during medical examination. Results of the study published in npj Digital Medicine show that one day AI may be used to parse images received during a normal test called ehograph using sound waves for o

Scandinanian sleep method recognized the ideal: How it works 8 May. 00:30 Category:Здоров'я

Plus, you can ruin the relationship with your partner with only one broken habit. If you put a new tape on social media, try to get rid of it. It's not only going to affect the relationship with a loved one, but also the quality of sleep. Also, to improve sleep, try the Scandinavia. It's very simple, and it's that every partner has their own blanket. In spite of his simplicity, the scandal method of sleep solves a few problems at once. First of all, you stop sharing the blanket -- nobody

THE MASON will disappear from above: how quickly to overcome the effects of insect bite and moss 7 May. 21:21 Category:Здоров'я

Now, if you look at the Koran, you become a real challenge for a lot of the warm seasons of the year. The bite for & shy; The map in most places leads to red on the corner of the bite and the & shy; cursor. Come on. There are a few good ways to get rid of this mosquito bite. A simple bicarb can become a great tool against itch and unpleasant feelings. To do that, you take half a glass of water and put it in a flat of regular bicarb. After the tool dissolves, you have to process it. We put it in the right skin area

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